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Frank D. Mann, Ph.D.

Welcome to my website. I am a Research Assistant Professor and Senior Research Scientist at Stony Brook University in the Department of  Medicine and a statistical reviewer for the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open. My work focuses on understanding the factors contributing to mental health across the lifespan. I am especially interested in developing structural models of social and relational environments to predict mental health outcomes, including psychopathology and psychological well-being. I am also interested in the relationships between genetic liability, traumatic exposures, and psychiatric outcomes, including post-traumatic stress disorder, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia. I approach these and related topics using theories and methods from differential and clinical psychology, lifespan epidemiology, applied statistics, and quantitative genetics. My work has been published in Nature Mental Health, American PsychologistSocial Science and Medicine, and Proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences. In 2021, I received the Early Career Award from the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences. Previously, I completed a postdoctoral appointment in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota, worked as a statistical consultant for the Center for Practice Transformation, and taught research methods and statistics.



(Mann, Waszcuk, Clouston, Feltman, Ruggero, Marx, Schwartz, Bromet, Luft, & Kotov, 2025)

Figure 2_edited.jpg

Note. Panels depict predicted trajectories of PTSD symptoms for three random subsamples of n = 50 World Trade Center responders: Red lines denote responders diagnosed with PTSD, blue lines denote responders not diagnosed, and gray lines denote responders who did not complete a diagnostic interview.


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